In addition to climate protection, which has already been a focus, Hermes Fulfilment will also take responsibility for the circular economy, conscious employees and digital responsibility in the future.
"One is the continuous and profitable growth of our business," says Kevin Kufs, CEO of HF. "But the other, and at least as important, is the responsible use of resources. We have to think about using raw materials and energy as sparingly and responsibly as possible at all times in order to best serve climate protection and act sustainably. Many of us have families. We have a responsibility to ensure that our children and grandchildren will still experience the world as we know it."
Carbon dioxide emissions have been reduced by 42 percent at HF
HF has already achieved a great deal in the past in terms of climate protection: By 2020, our company had reduced CO2 emissions by 42 percent compared to 2006/07. The Otto Group's 2020 climate protection strategy has been successfully completed overall. CO2 emissions in the Group were even reduced by 56 percent!
"Sustainable management has been actively practiced throughout the Otto Group for years, says Anna Arendarska from Thomas Hilgendorf's Safety, Health & Service department. "Climate protection is really on everyone's lips in our Group and of course we at Hermes Fulfilment also want to play an important role in this.
At the end of 2021, it is therefore time to face up to new challenges.
HF's four main topics
Climate protection: HF wants to become climate-neutral by 2030 through further CO2 savings and reduce its energy consumption through avoidance and reduction. As an interim step, it should first succeed in reducing CO2 emissions by 40 percent by 2025 (compared to the base year 2018).
Topic of the cycle: As consumption increases, resources must be conserved. Key words are "giving a second life" (for example, repairing items instead of throwing them away or reusing them instead of scrapping them) and "reuse" (recycling and recovering raw materials).
Did you know? HF even supports our customers in the development of environmentally friendly packaging.
Topic of employees: Each individual should be aware of their importance in achieving our environmental goals and play an active role in achieving them. Don't forget: Even small, seemingly insignificant contributions are important!
Topic of digitalization: How is our responsibility changing as a result of digitalization and how can we shape a value-oriented future? We want to optimize processes and use resources responsibly. Employees should be involved in this. Example: Avoiding paper through digital shift planning, time recording and payroll accounting.
Combined heatand power plants, LEDs and electric vehicles promote climate protection
HF has already significantly promoted environmental and climate protection in the past through many individual large and small projects: Combined heat and power plants have been built at various locations to generate their own energy. The introduction of Fiori and Atoss is helping to reduce paper consumption. LEDs and energy-efficient drives are increasingly being used. Electric vehicles are put into operation. The shredding of wooden pallets and polystyrene reduces transport journeys. And the list goes on and on...
But the focus is on the future: "We want to continue on this successful path and make progress," says Kevin. Most of the carbon dioxide emissions at HF result from electricity consumption and gas combustion. The aim is therefore to use green electricity at all sites by 2025. Further photovoltaic systems are being examined. The switch to LED lighting in our plants is also progressing.
It's not just big projects that count - every individual can help! Ambitious plans - but environmental protection is not just about big projects. Not everyone knows that around ten percent of energy can be saved by making small organizational changes. "Protecting the environment therefore depends crucially on each individual," says Anna from the environmental team.
For this reason, HF's new sustainability strategy will become visible again and again in the coming weeks and months.
Because the topic concerns us all: "Each of us can do something," says Anna, "and every contribution is valuable."