We get up every day to give our all. We fulfill wishes by handling the warehouse and returns logistics for many different online retailers. To do this, we have millions of different items in stock at our locations in Europe and North America. And we are proud to be a fast and flexible partner between retailers and shipping companies. We hand over 500 million shipments to them every year. We make sure that all orders, from smartphones to shoes and evening dresses to washing machines, get on their way quickly.
Our goal: to be one of the three largest B2C fulfillment service providers in Europe by 2028. We are doing our best to achieve this - with team spirit, diversity, creative drive and mindfulness. We also use robotics and AI to get the most out of our processes. For our customers and for you.
„Bis zum Jahr 2028 streben wir eine Position unter den drei erfolgreichsten B2C-Fulfilment-Dienstleistern in der Paket- und Großstücklogistik im europäischen E-Commerce an.“
Our warehouse heroes store and pack items for online retailers and hand over the parcels to various delivery services. We use the latest technologies to become even faster and more environmentally friendly. Because we specialize in specific items at each of our locations, we are particularly efficient. We would be happy to show you what we can do.
Hermes Fulfilment is a company of the Hermes Group and thus of the Otto Group. We store, pack and ship goods for many Otto Group companies. These include the online stores of Otto, Bonprix and About You. If a customer does not like an item, we handle the return.
Our company was founded in 2006 as part of the Otto Group and has been called Hermes Fulfilment since 2009. We have been successful in the fast-moving world of e-commerce ever since we were founded. We are constantly growing with new locations throughout Europe and North America, for example with our automated returns warehouse in Haldensleben, which we opened in 2011. And we do everything we can to fulfill customer wishes with modern logistics. We even won the Logistics Innovation Award for this in 2013. But this is just the beginning for us. Because we want to continue to grow - and become one of the 3 most successful logistics fulfillment companies for parcel and large item logistics in Europe by 2028.